Saturday, April 15, 2006

Wrapped around my finger

Daddy has become my favorite playmate! Just seeing him makes me so happy that I'm always laughing around him! He always plays funny games with me, gives me jumping piggy back rides, and acts silly to induce laughter from me. He is my bodyguard, and takes me away from scary places and people when I'm on the verge of freaking out. I also appreciate that he tirelessly carries me whenever and however long I ask him to, lets me sit on his lap during meals, and sneaks forbidden food to me when Mommy isn't looking. (Unlike Mommy, who doesn't let me sit on her lap while we're eating any more, avoids carrying me at all costs, and has me on this crazy special diet.) I get upset if Daddy leaves my side and I follow him to the bathroom. Daddy is like my adorable puppy, and every morning I call out "Da-dee! Daaaa-deee!!" hoping that he'll come in and play with me. The tables have finally turned, and now it's all about Daddy!