Monday, April 17, 2006

My first dentist visit and beginning negotiations

I visited the dentist for the first time today. I amazed both Mommy and the dentist by not protesting at all when the dentist looked into my mouth or brushed my teeth while Mommy was holding me down. Well, it did help that their office had a miniature house! I loved climbing to the second story, bringing all stuffed animals/books down to Mommy, giving a bear multiple timeouts, etc. Maybe I behaved so well because Mommy had already given me a timeout while we were still waiting for the dentist, and we negotiated a Teletubbies viewing if I behaved. Later on, when I reminded Mommy about the Teletubbies, Mommy threw in a requirement to eat my dinner, but I was so excited by the prospect of watching TV that I agreed “yeah” and ate 1 1/2 bowls to show my appreciation! I was happy and so was she.