Wednesday, July 13, 2005

I'm back on the chart, continued

I visited my new doctor today for another 18 month appointment. Not only am I back on the chart, but my height "shot up" from 30 to 31 3/4 inches since my last appointment 3 weeks ago! That pushed me up to the 50th from the 25th percentile that I've always been at. My Mom thinks that someone was not measuring right, but I say that it's because of all of those rice noodles that I've been scarfing on. I am also officially over 20 pounds, by 3 3/4 ounces (4th percentile)! My head circumference is in the 8th percentile at 44.5 cm.

Anyway, I've added lots of new words to my vocabulary. I can't quantify all of the words that I comprehend, but here are my latest spoken words:

Dada - Daddy
moah - more
bebe - baby
cah - car
bah-bwo - bubble
pweeece - please
woah - water
mmmm! - this is yummy!
pee pee - you are on the can
ehsh - yes
juice - juice
woof - dog (previously, panting)
no? - no (previously, "neh")
eeee - this is something gross, typically a hair
hiyee - hi
yay - yay! (i.e. this is awesome!)
me - my parents think I'm saying "me" but they can't get how I would know this
baba - this is the end of the activity (from Music Together)

New baby sign
fingers together and in front of mouth - eat