Sunday, July 31, 2005

Call me Wheezer

I had a bad asthma attack last night, after a couple of days with a stuffy nose. I was wheezing, with my chest and nostrils heaving to work super hard to suck air in. I couldn't sleep like this so I was crying throughout the night. My parents took me to the emergency room, and I hated it. I kicked and screamed and twisted and thrashed and did everything I could to get away. The doctor and hospital staff were quite amazed. I don't think they've seen many with as "strong will" as mine... haha - watch out! But my parents pinned me down and after 7 hours and several breathing treatments, I am breathing better. (whew!)

If it's true that a person's immune system becomes stronger if they get sick often as an infant, I'm going to be one healthy adult! :-p