Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Speech therapy assessment

My Mom took me to a speech assessment today. It was like a fun playdate! Despite the fact that the room had 4 adult strangers, I quickly warmed up to the room because there was a picture of a train on the wall. We played ball, puzzles (one had a really cool tractor!), identified things in pictures. I frequently paused what I was doing to turn around, point to the picture of the train, and exclaim, "Doh doh!" (my way of saying "choo choo train"). We did some activities which I love like filling and pouring, fitting rods into holes, fitting puzzle pieces, drawing lines. When the lady blew bubbles at me, the bubbles were fine, but on the bubble bottle was this small yellow dump truck that I had to point out! Definitely nothing wrong with my eyesight! When I was asked to make a block tower with 13 blocks, I stopped after the 9th one when I saw that the tower start wobbling. I knew it was going to fall! After much coaxing, they got me to put the 10th block on, but down it came tumbling! I knew it! The only thing that I didn't seem so keen on was the pretend play taking care of a teddy bear. Hello, please, that is girly! Can you give me a truck or car or something a little more interesting, please??!

The assessors determined that my problem solving skills are higher than my age, at a 27 to 30 month level. But for expressive language, I am talking at about a 14 to 18 month level! They recommended early intervention through six months of weekly 45 minute speech therapy sessions. They claimed that waiting too long would risk a developmental delay. Kids often act out their frustration from delays in aggression. I hope that this helps me express myself better! Meanwhile, I enjoy saying new words like "backpack" (I like walking around wearing Dora's backpack) and jibber jabbering away. My parents are enjoying my toddler talking phase and are cherishing it as long as they can, because they know that it all changes so quickly and that they'll miss it.